Posting Marks - Music, PE, and ELL
Describes the process for elementary school Music, PE, ELL and Reading teachers to enter grades into the elementary report card.
Elementary Report Card Articles
Music, PE & ELL teachers: Can only transfer or edit report card rows they are responsible for.
The graphic below shows an overview of the process for posting grades for music, PE, ELD, and reading teachers. Detailed instructions with links to the relevant knowledgebase articles follow below.

Using The Grade Book
- Sign in to your first class. Finish scoring any assignments as needed.
- Use the Report Card → Report Card Preview - Standards screen to transfer all calculated student marks to the report card. You will be able to manually adjust report card marks later if needed. Click the "Transfer All Student Marks" to post all marks for all students for this class. The knowledgebase article below explains the process:
- Change classes and repeat step 2 until done with all classes.
- Manually adjust/complete grades using the Report Card → Report Card Matrix Screen. The knowledgebase article below explains the process:
- When done with all classes, let the front office know. Do not mark grades complete as this will be done by the homeroom teacher.
Not Using The Grade Book
If you are not using the TeacherVUE grade book, you will need to manually score all students in your classes.
- Sign in to your first class.
- Use the Report Card → Report Card Matrix screen to score each student in the class manually. The knowledgebase article below explains the process:
- Change classes and repeat step 2 until done with all classes.
- When done with all classes, let the front office know. Do not mark grades complete as this will be done by the homeroom teacher.