Synergy Grade Book → Canvas Grade Book Cross Reference
A reference of Synergy grade book features and where to find them in Canvas. Includes links to Canvas help articles when available.
New Names for Familiar Things
Synergy GB Feature
Canvas Equivalent
Canvas Help Article
New Assignment
Modules → Module Name → + Assignment
How do I add course content as module items?
Note: The process is the same regardless of the content (assignment, quiz, discussion, etc) you are adding to the module.
Grade Book Score Type
Grading Scheme
How do I add a grading scheme to an assignment?
Missing Assignments
Missing submissions
Using the Canvas Missing Submission Policy
Report Card Score Type (aka "custom grade scale")
Grading Scheme
How do I add a grading scheme in a course?
Note: Grading schemes can also be added to assignments as noted above.
Final Grade Config
(custom grade scales for individual students)
Assigning a Canvas grading scheme to an individual student is not an option.
Assignment Type Weighting
Weighting by "assignment groups"
How do I weight the final course grade based on assignment groups?
Scoring Rubrics
Rubrics → + Add Rubric
How do I add a rubric to an assignment?
Grade Book → Assignments screen
For changing assignment dates in bulk
Assignments →
→ "Edit Assignment Dates"
How do I bulk update due dates and availability dates as an instructor?
Exclude an assignment
"Excuse" an assignment. Type "ex" (no quotes) in the grade cell for the student/assignment.
How do I change the status of a submission in the Gradebook?
New Assignment Screens Side-By-Side Comparison

Default Canvas Assignment Setup
Assignment points - 0
Assignment Group (assignment type) - Assignments
Display as - Points
Submission Type - Online
Submission Attempts - Unlimited'
Assign to - Everyone
Due Date - Blank (you must/should set a due date)
Available from and Until - Blank
Default Canvas Gradebook Setup
- Ungraded assignment = "exempt"
- Missing assignment (after due date) = "exempt"
- Assignment group weighting
- Standards Canvas courses have no assignment group weighting.
- Overall class grade:
- Secondary is posted by default.
- Elementary is hidden by default.