First Time Logging In
- TTSD staff will be prompted to confirm their identity the first time accessing the site.
- Verify identity by submitting the following: last four digits of their SSN, date of birth, and the zip code on file with the district.
- If the zip code does not match, attempts will receive an error. Contact Human Resources to confirm the zip code on file.

Log In Steps
1. Visit the TTSD Staff Portal
2. Find Quick Links - Click on Employee Access .
3. Username: Enter TTSD email
4. Click Next
5. Choose the TTSD Gmail account
Employee Access Features
My Dashboard
Provides at-a-glance information, district announcements, and quick links.
The Resources dropdown on the Home page contains a link to iVisions Web Portal.


Consists of 4 tabs; My Info, Emergency Contacts, Dependents, and Achievements
My Info & Emergency Contacts: Displays what’s currently on file with the district. Staff can update their addresses, phone numbers, demographics, and emergency contacts.
Dependents: Sorry, please ignore this tab. It is not used by TTSD, nor can we remove it.
Achievements: Displays employee Certificates, Endorsements, and Education if they’re on file with HR and made available for viewing in Employee Access.
Click "View" to display the endorsements or coursework.
How to Update My Information
To update the information displayed, click on the pencil to edit or click + to add.
Changes are submitted to HR/PR for approval and posted once they are approved.
Speak to HR directly if staff have any concerns.
My Tasks
My Tasks will appear in the main menu when it contains documents and forms made available by HR. Employees will also come here to view and complete tasks, such as approving their Salary Information Sheet (in the "Documents" tab), which is done once a year.
My Time
Time off history shows all the employee's past leaves for the year. Use the toggle to show an accrual breakdown. It will display the employee’s leave balances earned, taken, and available today on the transaction screen. Balances are updated after the most current payroll is processed. The Available Today balance displayed may not be correct.
Please check with Payroll or AESOP for a more accurate balance.

My Pay
The Pay & Tax Information section provides a visual representation of employee pay with an at-a-glance chart and breakdown.
Click "View" for the print window to print any document available.
- Recent Paychecks: Displays most current paycheck. Use the Paycheck dropdown to select a different payday. Print a copy of a direct deposit receipt or a paycheck stub.
- The Simulate Paycheck tool creates “What if” scenarios to see how changes could impact taxes, deductions/benefits, or the overall paycheck totals.
- Tax documents display 3years of W2s. Click the Year dropdown to view, print, or save.
- Employees can also view their current direct deposit setup, W4, Job Information, or view calendar YTD pay information and Compensation Statements
- if made available by the district.

If you have questions or concerns with the information displayed on Employee Access, please contact Human Resources or Payroll.